Accumulations: Casting Spells of Communion.

I myself am the air, I breathe myself in and out with every breath. I myself the stars in the sky, distant galaxies, other life forms, multi-dimensional beings – all me. I say the spell and I feel the communion, like a web of little tendrils of energy all connected to my heart center. My heart opens…

Language Yoga Challenge: Week 2

Welcome to the Language Yoga Challenge! As a quick refresher, Language Yoga is a linguistic tool and spiritual practice which works to help one experience unity through language by translating externalizing nouns and pronouns (we, you, us, they, our, it, them, names of other people…) into personal pronouns which promote ownership (me, myself, I…). Example: “You must…

I Am Identical to Myself.

I uncovered the phrase, “I’ve become identical with myself again,” while working on this week’s Language Yoga Challenge. To me, this is the ultimate message of unity, that “I am identical to myself.” I am amazed at how these translations flip my perception of my world from divided to unified, again and again. There is such an abundance of material for…

I Myself Fire

My alarm is set, my legs crossed, my back straight. With eyes slightly open, I gaze directly at the fire burning in front of me. I peer through the freshly cleaned glass window of my wood-burning stove, taking in the dance of the flames and the flicker of the glowing embers. I am not so…

Language Yoga Challenge: Week 1

Welcome to the Language Yoga Challenge! As a quick refresher, Language Yoga is a linguistic tool and spiritual practice which works to bring unity to language by translating externalizing nouns and pronouns (we, you, us, they, our, it, them, names of other people…) into personal pronouns which promote ownership (me, myself, I…). Example: “You must be…

Simultaneously Speaking: The Language of Unity.

Words. So many words. Words to describe anything and everything. Bridging the gap between experience and thought are words. Words are used to differentiate, to define, to break the underlying unity apart into separate, recognizable features. The question is, can words be used to express the underlying unity connecting all things? You bet. The language…

Waking Up to Snow and Equanimity

Published in elephant journal 12/12/2013. I find myself running through the snowy forest, making a fast getaway from the thoughts in my head. My heart is beating faster and faster, I feel my life’s flow coursing through my body. Suddenly I stop…stand still; come into feeling, watching, smelling and listening. Wind bursts; clouds of powdery…

Evolutionary Sex

I language yogini Sarah Peterson has this to say: “Evolutionary sex is experienced when complete individuals merge and consciously co-create. From this co-creation, a new era of balance, unity and consciousness is born. My revolution is sexual in nature. I choose to revolt against my imbalanced, hyper-masculine culture. I do this by by refusing to…

Self Empowered Culture

“Personally, I want to live in a culture of self-empowered beings, where each being balances and heals itself for the benefit of the whole. It follows then that I need to empower, balance and heal myself first. When I translate the words of my world into ‘I’ language, I become more whole and empowered, one…